Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Five Steps to Be a Passionate Writer

Do you have the desire to write? Have you always wished you had more time to write? Has it been several years since you last wrote?

This past year, when people have talked to me about my book or stories, I have discovered that there are several people in our own DC Metro area who may have a lot of hidden talent. Some people mentioned they have written during their college days. Some love to write, but have not been able to do so, or not had the time. Since you are reading this article, we can assume you may have some motivation to write. If you like to write and hoped you did it more, what is it that is holding you back? 

Here are Five Steps to become a passionate writer..

1) Finding the Topic.. what can one write about? Find a central theme.
This article is not intended to be a guide on writing.  However, I would like to share my experience on how I have transformed into a more focused aspiring writer. Reading definitely provides inspiration, but it should be done as a hobby to gain perspectives and increase your knowledge. It should not be done right before you embark on a writing mission yourself. I believe reading other articles just before writing can prevent creativity from flowing naturally. Instead take inspiration from real life events. Think of subjects that are close to your heart. Talk to people; write how you feel in certain situations. Think of any message you want to convey.  Once you have an idea that you feel strongly about, words will flow automatically.

What is the biggest takeaway you want your readers to have?
Once you have a central theme, the task gets much easier. Think about what is close to your heart.

2) Find the right atmosphere
Don’t sit in front of the blank computer screen or paper and try to think of ideas. Instead take a walk and reflect on what you want to say. Perhaps make small notes. Find a favorite spot that you can write comfortably and feel inspired.

3) Think of your audience: 
Who is your audience? Decide whom you are writing for and write what they would like to read. My past projects were catered to specific segments, my favorite being young children and middle- grade readers. I have written for young children but my next goal is to write non-fiction for adults. 

4) Finding the time
Time will never come by easily. Time has to be made. If you are really determined, you will be able to accommodate it. I thought I never had time too, but I took the plunge. 

5) Reflect, think and be motivated:
How do you know you are inspired enough? For one thing, you will be clicking and clacking on your keyboard furiously. You will feel the adrenaline flow, like a runner nearing the finish line. How wonderful it feels when one completes the task.

(This article has been updated from an original article by the author, published in the Kerala digest 2012)  

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