Thursday, July 2, 2020

How to Write for small kids

                                     NAUGHTY TO NICE                      By Lin Thomas
                         (Read Aloud Story for Children of Ages 2-6)

Knock! Knock! Knock!    Ellie Bear knocks on the bathroom door.

"Open the door, Sasha," she says.

"Nah nah na nah."  says Sasha.
"You have a cold, Sasha. You are going to be sick, if you play in the water for too long. I am coming to get you. Listen to me. I am your big sister!"
"You can’t get in, Ellie. The bathroom is locked."
“I love this tub. Let me have some fun. This is my tub! Mine, mine and only mine!  I love bubbles. Out goes the Yellow Ducky. Out goes the red boat. Let me throw some bubbles into the air. Wow, this is so much fun.”

"Hey Sasha, put me back in. This is my tub too," says Yellow Ducky.
"Nah nah na, nah, it is mine, mine and only mine."

 "Achoo", Sasha sneezes. "It is getting cold, but this is still so much fun. I love bubbles."
"You are too naughty, Sasha. This place is all wet," says Yellow Ducky.
"Be quiet, Ducky. This is fun, fun, fun."

Sasha hears some sounds at the window and looks up. Ellie tumbles inside. She trips on the flower pot at the window.
"Oh! Ellie, Mommy’s favorite flowerpot fell. It is a million pieces."
"It is all because of you Sasha. You are too naughty. I am coming to get you"
Ellie slips on the water and falls. She begins to cry.
"Oh! My sister is hurt!" Sasha quickly jumps up to save her sister. She hugs her with both hands and gives her a wet, soapy kiss.
"I am so sorry, Ellie".
Sasha opens the door and helps Ellie to get on to her bed. Sasha gives her one of her favorite Band-Aids. Ellie gives Sasha a smile and a hug. Sasha goes back to the bathroom and tries to clean up.
"First let me clean the floor and the flower pot."
"Sorry, Yellow Ducky, I was mean to you. Here, go back to your tub".

Sasha sneezes. "I am shivering. I need a towel. I am cold.
"Come here my baby," says Ellie. She gives Sasha a hug and a towel. Ellie helps Sasha get on to her bed. She gives Sasha a fluffy blanket. "Here this will keep you warm."

"Thanks, Ellie. I love you. "
"No more playing in the water, okay?"
"Yes, Ellie"
Sasha gives Ellie a hug. "Are you feeling better, Ellie? Is your hand okay?
"Yes, I am fine Sasha. Thank-you for sharing one of your favorite Band-Aids."
"I love you, Ellie. You are a nice big sister"
"I love you too, Sasha. You are a sweet baby sister."
The End

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