Author Sini Panicker |
YAY!! Learning with Enthusiasm
YAY Learner ~ welcoming new ideas, learning from others and celebrating small successes of life with a shout of joy saying YAY!
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Book Review - Sita: Now you know me by Sini Panicker
Friday, February 26, 2021
Hail O Women, who Persevered!
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Eight life lessons from the short film ~ This book will change your Life
Monday, December 7, 2020
Why we should Motivate each other?
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Inspiration comes in many forms. Books, Movies, Leaders, and Nature are just a few of them. There are many great thinkers out there. Successful authors, speakers, youtubers, and podcasters. When there are already hundreds of sources of inspiration, do we really need to motivate each other?
Yes, we do. And here is why.
Reason 1) Being motivated by someone you know - Matters. When a person is going through a difficult time, it is unlikely for them to seek out a famous motivational speaker and be inspired. It is definitely possible but many times that action of seeking help does not come proactively because its already challenging to deal with the problem. When I was in high school- the academic pressures were getting to me. At that point it was my dad who became the motivational speaker in my life. He introduced me to meditation and concepts of Emotional Intelligence. We all goes through ups and downs in our lives and during the moments I have been feeling low- I think with gratitude to those who motivated me. During the time that my mother was battling an illness that even took her life away, it was my family, relatives and friends who gave me the encouragement I needed. Being motivated by those around you REALLY matters.
Reason 2) Problems are on the Rise: Just as inspiration is everywhere, problems are everywhere too. At different times in history, different problems have been on the forefront. In the past it may have wars and the struggles to have the basic necessities of life like food, clothing and shelter. But in today's world factors like self-esteem, self-worth and mental health have become the primary necessities. The pressures from social media. Easy access to various forms of addiction. Everyone including small kids face increasing levels of stress. As a society, we have increasing levels of stress and mental health challenges. So the second reason we should motivate each other -is because today's problems are different than problems in the past and to counter the problems around we need strong forces of motivation. This is the need of the hour. It is the solution for today's challenges.
Reason 3) A small word could make a huge difference to someone else. During my early days of writing when I wasn't really sure if this was right path for me, I once took a long break from blogging. A friend of mine, got angry at me and said - how can you stop writing -there could be people who are waiting to read what you write. That really meant something to me. Even a small word of appreciation may make a big difference to someone else. It may increase their determination to achieve a goal. I remember each kid who sent out a note, appreciating my writing. There will be people who will either ignore those who are trying to do something new or even be pessimistic about it. This lack of support may cause a sense of self doubt in the person trying to achieve a goal. That is when your word of encouragement can make a huge difference to them.
Reason 4) When you motivate others, you strengthen yourself. When we motivate others, we reinforce those messages back to our own lives. Inspiration is something that we all need. If we are dealing with difficult times, personal grief, and health issues we need it even more. Everyone knows positive quotes and stories. The question really is how much of our lives are dictated by those positive quotes. When we share those positive thoughts and messages with others, the biggest audience is your own subconscious mind. So when you motivate others, what you are really doing is motivating yourself. Isn't it amazing that a selfless act can have such a great reward.
(1) Being motivated by someone you know matters to them. It means much more than a random message of motivation they may read on social media.
(2) The big problems of today like self-doubt and mental health need a solution like motivation.
(3) A small word of motivation could make a huge difference.
(4) When you motivate others, you reinforce that message to strengthen yourself.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
How to stay Motivated in this Pandemic
Audio of Post |
While we have always had wars, natural calamities and important problems across the world, the challenges seem to just keep adding up this year. America had challenges with racism and wrongful deaths. Protests breaking out all over the country and then peaceful protestors being attacked. Floods, wildfires all happening around the world. The violent death of a nurse in Florida who had just finished her shift helping COVID patients. Unexplainable suicide deaths, including a successful Indian movie star, that saddened a country of a billion people. The surreal videos of the blasts in Beirut, almost like a science fiction movie. Grim realities and difficult images that are hard to remove from your mind. No matter where you are, 2020 has been a very challenging year for all of us.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
How To overcome the Writer's Block
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Why South-Asian Americans should say #blacklivesmatter
When there is an uncomfortable or unsettling topic on hand, we all like to live in denial. When COVID deaths were reported initially, I heard countless people ask -what underlying conditions did the person have? We all prefer to live in a world where we are not vulnerable. We prefer to believe we are not susceptible to the dangers or the injustice around us.
The peaceful protests all over the country were supported by people of all color. The voices of the second-generation South-Asian Americans were clear and visible. The first generation Americans chose to be partly silent with just a few voices voicing their support. Part of the reason the first generation maybe quiet is because we have culturally been raised to not question the establishment. When one ethnicity or minority is discriminated against, at times the other person of color (POC) lives in this belief that this is not about them.
South-Asians need to understand that the next George Floyd or Breona Taylor could very well be them or their loved one. There is video proof of George Floyd’s death. There is video proof of Amy Cooper threatening an African American man. How many deaths of other POC have occurred with families wondering why and how it happened? And then there are also known cases of racial aggression against South-Asians.
Let us not forget Srinivas Kuchibotla who died after being shot at, at a bar in Kansas because he of how he “looked”. Let’s not forget the Indian grandfather Sureshbhai Patel who was assaulted because he looked “suspicious”. Numerous people of color have been viewed with suspicion because of their religion and their skin.
As South-Asian Americans, if you think you or your children are immune because your are financially stable, have a job and an education, there needs to be more dialog. For a racist, who cannot accept anyone who looks different than him or her, it does not matter what shade of brown your skin is. Light-brown, Lighter-brown, dark-brown, peach just does not matter. You are still different, you are still vulnerable.
Your children are watching your reactions and what you say much more than you realize. This is a vulnerable time for them. The pandemic is not over yet, their last 3 months of school were just snatched away from them, they never got to say good-bye to most of their friends and now they see the country erupting in protests and peaceful protestors being attacked as well. This is the time to have dialogs at home and talk about racial equality. This is not the time to look away and pretend like everything is normal.
Let us not forget the Civil Rights movement that allowed immigration. Indian American, let us not forget that, Mahatma Gandhi led India to freedom from British colonization by his non-violent peaceful protests. This is not a new struggle for you. This is the time to lend your voice and join the movement. This isn’t just someone else’s fight.
Gandhi said, “Be the Change you wish to see in the world” ….. It is now time to “Come out of your bubble and Wish for that change in the world. This is totally about you too!”
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
How to Stay Motivated through what we have learned in History
Monday, July 20, 2020
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Friendship Poem~ The joy of being able to be who you are...
By Lin Thomas
Your soul can heal
What naysayers think doesn't matter
Thursday, July 16, 2020
This is World War III. Civilians... Stay Sane & do what you can.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Five Steps to Be a Passionate Writer
Here are Five Steps to become a passionate writer..
Once you have a central theme, the task gets much easier. Think about what is close to your heart.
2) Find the right atmosphere
Don’t sit in front of the blank computer screen or paper and try to think of ideas. Instead take a walk and reflect on what you want to say. Perhaps make small notes. Find a favorite spot that you can write comfortably and feel inspired.
3) Think of your audience:
How do you know you are inspired enough? For one thing, you will be clicking and clacking on your keyboard furiously. You will feel the adrenaline flow, like a runner nearing the finish line. How wonderful it feels when one completes the task.
Balancing Work, Life and the Gym ~ Lin Thomas

Saturday, July 4, 2020
How I learned the Joys of Public Transportation
(The author continues to work in Washington Dc and the love-hate relationship with public transportation continues.... 8 years and counting :-)..)